Chris Potter – 8/31/16 – Thoughts on METEORS and other World Happenings – PAY ATTENTION
Chris Potter – 8/31/16 – Thoughts on METEORS and other World Happenings – PAY ATTENTION
Chris Potter – 8/31/16 – Thoughts on METEORS and other World Happenings – PAY ATTENTION
According to a 200-year-old esoteric source, the final Messianic battle will be an all-out war against an unexpected threat: one from within the Nation of Israel itself. Called the erev rav, or “mixed multitude”, Israel failed to conquer this enemy in the desert and will face it again at the End of Days. Rabbi Pinchas Winston, a scholar who has studied the source in depth, identified this perennial enemy as existing today, arguing that the battle has already begun.
The fear of World War 3 involving nuclear-armed China and the United States remains a dangerous possibility as China flexes its muscles in the South China Sea and East China Sea.
Despite last month’s ruling in The Hague which struck down Beijing’s claims to almost the entire South China Sea, China remains defiant in responding to the United States, and their allies Japan and the Philippines.
Back on August 24th, Susan Duclos reported on ANP that the Czech Republic had recently warned their citizens to ‘prepare for the worst’, joining a growing list of government’s including Germany, China and the US recently issuing cryptic warnings to their citizens. As this recent story from the Organic Prepper’s Daisy Luther tells us, we seem to be witnessing a very disturbing series of events as governments around the world are preparing for war.
On Wednesday, Turkish tanks rolled across the Syrian border, and they were accompanied by radical Islamic Syrian rebels that want to ultimately overthrow the Assad regime. This invasion was conducted under the code name “Euphrates Shield”, and it was supported by airstrikes from A-10s and F-16s that are part of the U.S.-led coalition that has been conducting airstrikes against ISIS targets in the region. The mainstream media in the United States has been very quiet about this escalation of the conflict in Syria, but things are much different in the rest of the world. For example, a major Israeli news source announced the attack this way: “Turkey invades Syria“. And without a doubt, that is precisely what is taking place. The Syrian government denounced this move by Turkey as a “blatant breach to its sovereignty”, and the Russians are deeply alarmed. The farther Turkish forces push into northern Syria, the more likely they will be to encounter Syrian or Russian forces, and one bad move could result in the outbreak of World War 3 in the Middle East.
Now a new theory suggests the world may be ended by hidden planet hurtling through our solar system called Nibiru.
Conspiracy theorists claim the world’s scientists and governments have been covering up this impending doomsday.
North Korea has threatened nuclear attacks on Seoul and Washington as South Korea and the US began annual military drills on Monday.
Nuclear weapons, as they say, are under the control of “imperfect humans inside imperfect organizations,” so things from time to time go wrong. “The systems are not failsafe,” Mark Fitzpatrick, head of the Americas office of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, tells The National Interest. “There have been too many cases of mistaken symbols. We’ve just been lucky they didn’t result in retaliation by mistake.”
The Chinese Ambassador to Japan warned that Beijing would not concede on the demand or relinquish their sovereignty over the South China Sea even if it meant the two countries went to war.