The Midrash (Bamidbar Rabba 11:3) says that the future Redeemer will be revealed, then concealed, then revealed again. This is quoted by Rabbeinu Bachayei and by the Chasam Sofer on the Torah (both at end of Parshas Shmos). The latter writes: “This is a great test that the Redeemer is concealed [Moshe] . . . and so it will be at the time of our righteous Moshiach [that] he will be concealed after [his] revelation, as mentioned in the Midrash.”
From the Zohar (Shmos 8b)–as explained in Zohar Harakiya and Shaar Hagilgulim (ch. 13, both by the ARI-Zal, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, one of the greatest Kabbalists)–it is clear that the man designated to be Moshiach is born naturally in this world, then the soul of Moshiach in the heavenly “Garden of Eden” is bestowed upon him so that he realizes that he is Moshiach, then he becomes concealed, ascending to heaven, and only afterwards is he revealed to the full extent, the whole Jewish people recognizing him as Moshiach.
We see here three stages in the revelation of Moshiach:
a) revelation, b) concealment, c) final full revelation.
The Midrash Pesikta Rabbasi (37, quoted in Yalkut Shimoni 499 on Isaiah 60) states: “At that time G-d will raise Moshiach up to the highest heavens and spread over him the radiance of His glory”–after Moshiach has already suffered in this world, as is clear from the context.
For Over 2,000 years Israel Has Waited on the Moshiach
(The Messiah)
During Purim, The Messiah was anointed by Elijah! Yes both the Messiah and Elijah are now on the world stage!
The Rabbinical community has expressed prophetic expectations that the Messiah would be anointed on Purim of 5779, this has occurred as prophesied and is fulfilled in one man.
Here are the facts…
-Chaim Kanievsky said the Messiah would precede Israeli elections and he did.
– Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson found a Torah Codes saying the Messiah would be anointed on Purim. He was. Also that
Elijah would anoint the Messiah. That happened.
– We found the Torah Codes identifying Mikey Harr as Elijah. We found the Torah Codes confirming RayEl as the Messiah. We also corroborated Rabbi Glazerson’s findings and discovered that RayEl would be anointed by Elijah on Purim at sunset. All of that was fulfilled. See evidence below.
Rabbis it is important to accept these facts: It was their prediction, and their findings, that said Mashiach would be anointed, and RayEl was the only one to fulfill it. He is also the only man that fulfills prophetic expectations from all the Abrahamic faiths.